Tropical Storm/Hurricane Event-ArcGNO Administrative Office Closing
The administrative offices of Arc of Greater New Orleans (ArcGNO) are closed until further notice due to the current Tropical Storm/Hurricane event. Please take all precautions to keep you and your loved ones safe. We will update continued closure/anticipated...
DSP Spotlight: Donyell Williams
By Lakeisha Woodson Donyell is present with us and always listens to what I have to say. It’s obvious that this role is more than a job to her. She and the rest of my ArcGNO EarlySteps team check in on me and my kids after doctors appointments or when they are...
DSP Spotlight: Anna O’quinn
By Jan Alario, Residential Support Services I love my PCA (personal care attendant) Anna to death. She makes me happy and makes me smile. She encourages me to try new things and teaches me to do things for myself. I can always depend on her to be there for me. She...
DSP Spotlight: Peggy Walker
By Ashley Bolden, Employment Services I love Ms. Peggy because she is funny and she teaches me new activities. I love her flashy style and the girly things we do together like shopping at the mall for clothes and jewelry. Her help on the Janitorial Crew makes me feel...