by goodwork | Nov 6, 2020 | News
ArcGNO’s Executive Director Gives an Update on the Agency’s Status during COIVD-19: In the 67 years Arc of Greater New Orleans (ArcGNO) has been in existence, it has experienced a lot. ArcGNO emerged in the 1950s when parents of children with Down syndrome or another...
by goodwork | Oct 7, 2019 | News
Thank you to everyone who supported our 2nd annual St. Bernard Parish Culinary Classic. We raised $36,677! This fundraiser supports our services in St. Bernard Parish: The ArcGNO Chalmette Community Center provides meaningful daytime engagement for participants who...
by goodwork | Sep 9, 2019 | ArcGNO Employees, Blog, News, Spotlights
By Jill Egle, Uptown Community Center I love Mrs Antoinette Hart because she is a true close friend. She is a genuine one of a kind leader within her role as a DSP at the Arc of Greater New Orleans Uptown Community Center. She helps me in so many ways to be positive...
by goodwork | Sep 9, 2019 | ArcGNO Employees, Blog, News, Spotlights
By Ann Richard, Metairie Community Center Keonti has an outgoing personality and easy to talk to. Keonti listens and respects me, she’s nice and sweet. I like it when Keonti takes me to aerobics class and bowling. Keonti also talks to me about my outside activities...
by goodwork | Sep 9, 2019 | ArcGNO Employees, Blog, News, Spotlights
By Eric Smith, Chalmette Community Center Ms. Nicki (Eric’s nickname for Kimber) is the best! She always makes going out fun. I love when she puts on the music and gets everyone to dance. Today at the Wellness Center, she was helping everyone to exercise. This week...
by goodwork | Sep 9, 2019 | ArcGNO Employees, Blog, News, Spotlights
By Lindsay Meiliet, Northshore Community Center I pick Ms. Chassidy for best DSP worker at Arc because she’s very good at her job. I love her wonderful attitude and love how she talks to people calmly when they are upset or angry or even having a bad day at Arc....